Spirit Bear Mountain Bike Gran Fondo Back After a Very Successful First Year! This year it will be the USA Cycling’s Gran Fondo State Championship!!

We absolutely LOVE this race! Beginning as a simple cross-country race, honoring the beloved Ben Parsons, the race has grown to be a super fun and challenging gran fondo. The race starts with a spectacularly beautiful 10 mile dirt road climb to the Foys to Blacktail single track trailhead at Emmons Saddle. From there, it hops onto the amazing Foys to Blacktrail and Herron Park single track for 13 miles, as it winds through the forrest high above the valley back to Herron Park, before descending swoopy single track to the meadow and the finish. Check out the link on our events calendar for all the deets. You won’t want to miss this!